
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Lady Macbeth is one of the most striking characters in the play Essay

Lady Macbeth is one of the most striking characters in the play. What are your feelings toward this character and how do they change as the play progresses? What makes Lady Macbeth so striking in her first few scenes is her manipulative, vindictive nature. She is a very controlling character yet we see her troubled mind reveal itself as the play progresses. Her most famous scene, Act 5 scene 1, allows the audience to see how she has truly been affected by the murders in which she had been involved. She is sleep walking and revealing unconsciously her emotions toward the untimely deaths of King Duncan, Banquo and the Macduff household. I have little sympathy for this character because if it were not for her driving Macbeth to the murder of Duncan, he most probably would not have become so obsessed with his infatuation of becoming king. As we see in Act 1 scene 5 she is extremely ambitious about the prospect of Macbeth’s power increasing. She talks of murder without an ounce of guilt and merely worries over her husband being too gentle to actually commit the execution of the king. She refers to him being â€Å"too full o’the’milk of human kindness† and states that he is in fact ‘without ambition’ and so would not carry out the deed properly. Her personality could, however, be extremely ambitious regardless of the state of power that her husband is in, the situation could have brought out the most of her desire. In each of her scenes we see a new side to her personality. During Act 1 scene 5 we see her praying to evil spirits in her soliloquy for her to become more masculine and evil, with any feminine attributes and natures to be stripped from her, implying that she also may need a little push to make her ambitious enough to commit the murders. This also suggests to the audience that her conscious would probably not let her commit those crimes alone. She asks the evil spirits to â€Å"Come to my woman’s breasts/And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers.† However, when Macbeth arrives home, he refers to her as â€Å"my dearest love† she then immediately sets about manipulating him and goading him into the murder. When she learns of Duncan coming to dinner, she administrates ideas of looking above suspicion. She tells him â€Å"look like th’innocent flower/But be the serpent under’t.† Shakespeare uses very expressive language here with contrasting imagery of a flower (which represents good) and a serpent (which represents evil). This could also be interpreted as a metaphor for Macbeth’s relationship with his wife in that when Lady Macbeth is plotting murderous schemes and manipulating her husband, Macbeth is presented in a good and vulnerable light. The same applies for when Macbeth decides to take the murders further and the audience gains sympathy for his wife. Macbeth is left with little to say and is interrupted by his wife on several occasions in that scene, providing the audience with a clear insight into Shakespeare’s intentions for the hierarchy within the relationship. That hierarchy being where Macbeth is more or less controlled by what Lady Macbeth tells him to do, almost like a spell of her own. This provides strong evidence for those who believe that Lady Macbeth herself is a witch of some kind. In Act 1 scene 6 Duncan arrives at Macbeth’s castle with other various guests and originally comments on the pleasant air that it gives off, referring to it as â€Å"Nimbly and sweet†. This presents the audience with a dose of dramatic irony as they know that what really lies inside the castle itself is as evil and twisted as it’s inhabitants. He also refers to Lady Macbeth as â€Å"Our honoured hostess.- The love/That follows us sometime is our trouble†. The problem with Lady Macbeth in this scene is that she is elaborately polite and good natured that it could easily appear to be insincere. She tells Duncan that she has checked and double checked that everything is sufficiently in order. She tells him she will pray for him constantly and speaks of loyalty and gratitude for past kind deeds. Shakespeare is rather repetitive when it comes to Lady Macbeth’s lines, she speaks continuously of her homage to him and the effort they are making for him. This is in an obvious bid for her to gain their trust and it does indeed work. Duncan reacts graciously towards this most probably due to his age and gratitude for the effort made. Act 1 scene 7 sees Lady Macbeth belittling her husband in an attempt for him to agree whole heartedly to killing the king of Scotland. She uses foul phrases with appalling imagery such as telling Macbeth that while she was breast feeding her baby she would: â€Å"while it was smiling in my face/Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums/And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn.† She tries to come over as very menacing and heartless at this point in the play, making a point of the fact that if she had promised to kill her own child she would do so, however, after the murder of Duncan, she contradicts herself rather strongly as she comments on being able to kill her father. In Act 2 scene 2, Macbeth returns from killing the king to discuss the event with his wife. Shakespeare uses this as an opportunity for the audience to feel sympathy as we see his grief and guilt. We also get to see a very new side to Lady Macbeth, she admits that if he had not looked like her own father she would have done the deed herself, showing that underneath her hard exterior, there are elements of compassion and guilt that though she expresses little, she still feels them just like any other human being. The audience then sees her snap out of her sensitive phase and channel her emotions into reassuring and controlling her husband. She tells him to dismiss his hallucinations about the dagger and to return them to frame the guards who were guarding Duncan’s room. â€Å"These deeds must not be thought/After these ways; so, it will make us mad.† The audience could consider this as foreshadowing of what occurs as the play progresses as both Lady Macbeth and her husband experience mental disturbances because of the horrific crimes they committed. Hands are used as a metaphor throughout this scene and as an extended metaphor throughout the play. Macbeth refers to his as â€Å"hangman’s hands† and uses phrases such as â€Å"ravelled sleeve of care†, whereas Lady Macbeth is far more literal and tells him to â€Å"wash this filthy witness from your hand.† This could be interpreted as the hands representing guilt and so each character handles the guilt in different ways; Macbeth is very open about his guilt and remorse by using dramatic devices such as personification and metaphors, for example: â€Å"Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor/Shall sleep no more: Macbeth shall sleep no more. † Lady Macbeth, however, deals with her culpability in a different way in that she pretends to feel nothing towards the situation but it obviously haunts her as we see in her final scene in Act 5 scene 1 where she sleep walks and hallucinates. Shakespeare illustrates this well when Lady Macbeth mocks Macbeth for being so gentle: â€Å"My hands are of your colour, but I shame/To wear a heart so white.† She also says rather flippantly, â€Å"A little water clears us of this deed./How easy is it then! Your constancy/Hath left you unattended.† Shakespeare’s intention for this scene, I think, was to show us that there is a sensitive, guilty side underneath her shell of ambition and malevolence. Act 2 scene 3 sees Macduff discovering Duncan’s murder with great astonishment. He alerts the whole castle including Banquo, Malcolm and Donaldbain of the king’s death and so Lady Macbeth enters. She acts very much â€Å"like th’innocent flower† by pretending to be oblivious to what had happened in the previous scene, â€Å"What’s the business/That such a hideous trumpet calls to parley/The sleepers of the house?† Then with immense dramatic irony, Macduff replies calling her â€Å"gentle lady† and commenting on the fact that the talk of murderous deeds is too tender for a woman’s ears. The audience would find this somewhat amusing as they know that Lady Macbeth is solely responsible for the murder of Duncan and so would not in any way find the subject too sensitive or painful. She reacts in a way similar to that when she was attending to Duncan in Act 1 scene 6, where she is very elaborate in her efforts to help, creating a suspiciously false air about her. She then dramatically faints and is carried out, she is lucky that the people around her are so affected by the murder that they do not overtly notice her over the top antics. Lady Macbeth experiences a loss of power and control in Act 3 scene 2, where Macbeth arranges his next murder without her involvement. Shakespeare has her character showing compassion to her husband’s ‘sorriest fancies’ when he complains of insecurity about his dangerous thoughts and deeds. She tries to make him forget what has happened by instructing him: â€Å"Using those thoughts which should indeed have died/With them think on? Things without all remedy/Should be without regard; what’s done, is done.† The audience at this moment does not know that Lady Macbeth doesn’t practice these ideas herself and in fact reveals her guilt subconsciously. My feelings toward Lady Macbeth at this time are cold and my sympathy leans toward Macbeth as we see him feeling very remorseful and suicidal. He mentions, â€Å"Better be with the dead/Whom we, to gain our peace, have sent to peace,/Than on the torture of the mind to lie/In restless ecstasy.† However as we see a new side to Macbeth where he is plotting murders without her it does make me wonder would he have killed Duncan without her influence? Lady Macbeth presents herself as the gracious hostess once more as she invites the lords to dinner in Act 3 scene 4. At the beginning of the scene the audience is presented with the news of Banquo’s slaughter. Lady Macbeth suspects this but is not directly informed as her husband has somewhat distanced himself from her, implying that he does not need her influences for villainous thoughts any more, he can do it all by himself now. This scene manages to arouse some sympathy for Lady Macbeth as we see her power lessening downfall. This could be what ultimately leads to her suspected suicide. The audience gets to understand that Shakespeare did not want to present Lady Macbeth as a character who takes pleasure in the sight of bloodshed and gore, but one who craves power and enforces her ambitions upon those she can manipulate. We also see a role reversal here for the second time in the play. She already has upset the natural order of marital hierarchy from the beginning of the play where she presents herself in the dominant role which was extremely uncommon for that period. Then as the play progresses she becomes part of a downward spiral where she loses power and the status within the marriage as she becomes the more recessive figure next to her now dominant husband. The ghost of Banquo makes an appearance at the dinner table in this scene but of course only Macbeth can see (another one of his deluded hallucinations). He becomes extremely unsettled by this and begins to shout at the ghost with a fiery passion that stuns the rest of his guests. â€Å"Thou canst not say I did it; never shake/Thy gory locks at me!† Ross initiates the lords standing up and leaving their new king in peace to rest and collect himself but Lady Macbeth being â€Å"th’innocent flower† that she pretends to be assures the lords that he is fine and is just unwell. The audience feel some sort of consideration for her as we can see her husband’s mental health deteriorates and her power disintegrate. She snaps at Macbeth â€Å"Are you a man?† as she quite obviously feels utterly embarrassed by his reactions to the ghost. She tries to use this as an opportunity to regain her status above Macbeth which is understandable as she feels defeated but is selfish considering her husband’s state. In the most dramatic scene in Lady Macbeth’s presence on stage, the audience is given the opportunity to see the REAL Lady Macbeth as her subconscious takes over her physical state. At the beginning of her last scene, Act 5 scene 1, the doctor and gentlewoman are analysing her recent behaviour, â€Å"She has light by her continually, ’tis her command.† As light is a common metaphor for purity this insinuates that she doesn’t want to be considered evil and wants to redeem herself but can’t because she is too involved to dig herself out now and so her subconscious speaks the words she cannot. â€Å"Out damned spot! Out, I say! One, two. Why then ’tis time to do’t. Hell is murky. Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier, and afeard? What need we fear? Who knows it, when none can call our power to account? Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?† This is one of the most remembered speeches in Shakespeare’s literature and is so because of its quirky formation. Shakespeare has used very disjointed language with punctuation separating every short phrase. This translates to her being very edgy and emotionally unstable. She then reels off a list of other people for which she feels responsible for their deaths as well as her husband. She refers back to the common theme of hands which has occurred throughout the play. â€Å"What, will these hands ne’er be clean?† â€Å"All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. O, O, O.† She still refers to her hands as being â€Å"little† and the need for them to be ‘sweetened’ and so this indicates the want for her to be filled with good and that she is feeling genuine guilt and mental anguish. This anguish finally leads to her suicide by unspecified means. Shakespeare probably chose not to present the death of Lady Macbeth on stag e to add to the impact of her exit and last scene and also to be slightly ambiguous. I think a dying scene would have been effective for Lady Macbeth’s last scene, she could perhaps have given a soliloquy explaining how she truly was feeling. To conclude, it is evident that Shakespeare had Lady Macbeth’s emotional state disintegrate as the play proceeded to in effect show the downfall of a control freak. It is undecided whether or not she is pretending to be the controlling evil person which her persona appears to be but that is in a way irrelevant as it was certainly influential enough to drive her husband to multiple homicides. She was certainly a brave character for going against the ‘Chain of Being’ in which God was considered to be ultimately at the top with monarchs under that and other members of society such as lords and townsfolk following after, but at the bottom were women and so she was courageous to consider herself to be above even monarchy! Though wrong it is admirable, especially considering what was said if the chain of being was to be disrupted, that chaos would arise, disrupting the natural order of life on earth and in the heavens which is seen as inexcusable. I personally think that Lady Macbeth was blamed for a lot that wasn’t entirely her fault. It is implied that because Macbeth ended Banquo’s life and slaughtered Macduff’s wife and children in a desperate bid for the throne, he was emotionally capable of murdering Duncan all by himself. In the first two acts we have little sympathy for Lady Macbeth as Shakespeare only provides the audience with her vindictive exterior, at this time we cannot see what she is truly thinking and feeling. It is only as the play progresses that we understand WHY she turns out to be the way that she is, that she has a very ambitious character and so enforces that upon her husband. She feels that Macbeth becoming king will benefit them both and sees killing the existing king as the fastest way to get to the throne. She then becomes gradually defeated as Macbeth’s ambition and obsession with becoming king begins to soar and spiral. She is then over-ridden with guilt and eventually feels that she cannot bear the guilt that torments her troubled mind and so decides to end it all.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Impact of Corporate Governance on Firm Performance in Mauritius

Introduction Corporate governance is a field in economics that investigates how to secure/motivate efficient management of corporations by the use of incentive mechanisms, such as contracts, organizational designs and legislation. This is often limited to the question of improving financial performance, for example, how the corporate owners can secure/motivate that the corporate managers will deliver a competitive rate of return. (Mathiesen, 2002). Another definition is â€Å"Corporate Governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The corporate governance framework is there to encourage the efficient use of resources and equally to require accountability for the stewardship of those resources. The aim is to align as nearly as possible the interests of individuals, corporations and society† (Sir Adrian Cadbury in ‘Global Corporate Governance Forum', World Bank, 2000). According to La Porta et al. (2000) â€Å"corporate governance is to a certain extent a set of mechanisms through which outside investors protect themselves against expropriation by the insiders†. The problem is to see whether the corporate governance standards adopted by firms in Mauritius are positively, negatively or more affecting the firms’ performance. Research will be made on a sample of firms operating in Mauritius. Literature Review Related searches in other countries It has been argued that as ownership concentration increases, the incentives and the abilities of shareholders to properly monitor managers increase too. This creates beneficial effect for firms in the sense that performance or profitability improves (Morck et al. 1989)). There are studies which find that higher ownership concentration lead to detrimental effects for corporations in the sense that large blockholders and managers can collude to extract rents from small shareholders (Lehman and Weigand (2000)). The study by Demsetz and Villalonga (2001) provides evidence that there is no significant relation between ownership structure and firm performance. Chhaochharia and Grinstein (2007) looked a t the impact of the 2002 governance rules established by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on firm value. They found that less compliant firms earn positive abnormal returns compared to more compliant firms. They also found that less compliant large firms earn positive abnormal returns but less compliant small firms earn negative abnormal returns. Bhagat and Bolton (2008) examined the relationship between corporate governance and performance, and found that better corporate governance, board members’ stock ownership, and CEO-Chair separation are positively related to operating performance. They also found that the probability of management turnover is positively related to board members’ stock ownership and board independence when firms perform poorly. Patibandla (2006) examined the ownership structure and firm performance on Indian firms by separating large investors into private foreignin stitutional investors and government-owned local financial institutions. Patibandla found a positive relationship between private foreign institutional investors and firm profitability and a negative relationship between government-owned local financial institutions and firm profitability. Aims & Objectives of Research The aim of this investigation is to make a research on the impact of corporate governance on the performance of firms in Mauritius. The research is going to see the contribution that corporate governance has made on the firms’ financial performance. The research seeks to evaluate the performance of firms in terms of: †¢ Firms’ financial performance †¢ Firms market value The research aim at looking standards which are contributing to high mprovement in firms’ performance and to look also those standards that are contributing to poor performance. The objectives are: †¢ Identify the causes that contribute to high or poor firms’ performance †¢ Measures that can be used to improve the poor performance of firms by comparing their corporate standards adopted by firms experiencing high performance. Research Methodology Sample A sample size of 10 firms is to be selected operating in the private sector of Mauritius. Data The data will be obtained from annual reports for the year 2007 and 2008. Questionnaire A questionnaire will be sent to those firms via letters. The questionnaire will contained defined questions that are relevant to the related research. The questionnaire should be filled by the executives of the respective firms. Methodology Some data will be obtained by looking at secondary data and the other data will be received by letters (Questionnaire). These primary and secondary data will be input in the SPSS software which will analyse and give the result of the analysis of the collected data. Tentative Grant Chat |Activities |9-Sep |9-Oct |9-Nov |9-Dec |10-Jan |10-Feb |10-Mar | Introduction |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |Literature review |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |Research Methodology |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |Analysis of data |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |Conclusion |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | | References †¢ Bhagat Sanjai, and Brian Bolton, 2008, Corporate governance and firm performance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 14, pp. 257-273. Chhaochharia Vidhi, and Yaniv Grinstein, 2007, Corporate governance and firm value: The impact of the 2002 governance rules, Journal of Finance, Vol. LXII, No. 4, pp. 1789-1825 †¢ Demsetz, H. and B. Villalonga, 2001, Ownership structure and corporate performance, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 7, 209-233. †¢ La Porta, Lopez-de-Silannes, Shleifer, Vishny. Investor perfomance and corporate governance. Journal of Financial Economics. 58 (2000). 3-27. †¢ Lehman, E. and J. Weigand, 2000, Does the governed corporation perform better? Governance structures and corporate performance in Germany, European Finance Review,vol. 4, 157-195. †¢ Mathiesen (2002) http://corpgov. net/library/definitions. html †¢ Morck, R. , A. Shleifer and R. Vishny, 1989, Alternative mechanisms of corporate control,American Economic Review, vol. 79, 842-852. †¢ Patibandla Murali, 2006, Equity pattern, corporate governance and performance: A study of India’s corporate sector, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 59, pp. 29-44. †¢ Sir Adrian Cadbury in ‘Global Corporate Governance Forum', World Bank, 2000

Monday, July 29, 2019

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Personal statement - Essay Example Through my Canadian experiences, and beyond I have acquired the ability to be able to suffer through the more difficult times and come out stronger and more determined as well. This has taught me independence and the learning skills necessary to overcome many adversities, which undoubtedly an abundant amount of foreign exchange college students must deal with if they are going to make it in their lives in a foreign land. Traveling to the United States had to be the scariest for me because I had heard so many stories about the country but was not sure if they were true. After I moved past my initial fears I soon devised ways to work past the obstacles that were in my path such as with language barriers and cultural disorientation, etc. However, after moving past the language barriers I found that I had a hard time trying to fit into what Americans considered to be the â€Å"norm† for the youth population in society. I definitely became rather defensive because I realized then that I was a minority and did not clearly fit in to the whole puzzle. Nevertheless, I have come to realize over time that a person’s attitude can make all the difference and that ethnicity is not necessarily what holds people back. A positive attitude and good communication skills are two of the most pertinent interpersonal skills that an individual needs to have in a country like America. This is due to the fact t hat I have come to learn with there being so many different ethnicities there has to be an open communication network to avoid misunderstandings and to get past the confusion of it all. This can be very difficult but again, with effort from both sides of the cultural boundaries it can be done. Perhaps if I had realized this earlier on one of my good friends would not have lost his life due to racial violence and stereotyping. However, even

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sociological Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sociological Journal - Essay Example After Simpson was found not guilty in his criminal murder trial, a civil trial found him guilty of the same act. This labeled Simpson a murder. Under the Social Bond Theory, Simpson’s bond with society was broken. He was no longer considered just an actor or football player. Simpson was treated like a freak or pariah. This would increase his chances of committing a deviant act in the future. Simpson was put in the position for armed robbery by the civil ruling regarding Simpson to pay the Goldman and Brown family monetarily for their loss of loved ones. This would fall under Access to Illegitimate Opportunities. O.J. Simpson hid most of his assets from the courts. The armed robbery was of things that Simpson claimed were his own. If the Goldmans had not tracked down and taken most of Simpson’s possessions and money, then Simpson would not have had the opportunity to hid his possessions or reclaim them through force. This would also fall under the Differential Association Theory. When hiding his possessions from the Goldmans, Simpson could not hide them in a legitimate place. He had to associate with other criminals. This association could have pushed him into taking back what Simpson believed was his own. This association could have blurred right and wrong in Simpson’s mind. Under the Labeling Theory, the strength of labeling lies within those who are doing the labeling. In this case, the majority of the world followed the first case. Thus the strength of this labeling was strong. The Primary Deviance was Simpson’s involvement in the death of his ex-wife and her friend. The Secondary Deviance was the armed robbery. Simpson’s first crime was indictable, because it involved homicide. The second crime was also indictable, since it was a robbery. Both crimes would be defined as a Street Crime or Conventional Crime, since both were violent. This does go against the societal norm, because of Simpson’s age.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Barriers to Thinking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Barriers to Thinking - Research Paper Example Ruggiero (2009) correctly calls it, in the layman’s language, a tendency of laziness that most people are inclined to. Change by its very nature forces people to learn new ways and means and stretch ones imagination towards a new goal. One who is ready to change will inevitably initiate a process of thinking. Self-deception is the second barrier to thinking that can be seen in most of us. Finding fault in others, in circumstances for our all failures is a biggest self-deception that we resort to. That is how we pass on, very cleverly, all responsibilities on others. Self-deception is an enemy to our growth and development. At times, we conveniently forget that odds are there everywhere yet certain people do overcome them with their rightful thinking and introspection in the life (Ruggiero 2009). Riggiero (2009) advises us to abstain from taking any instantaneous viewpoint or form any opinion on any matter because that will be mostly judgmental and only out of our deep rooted old habits that we are mired of. When we are successful in this first step, then and then only, we will be able to initiate our unbiased and conscious thinking process that will gradually loosen our ties with all barriers to

Principles of Quality Management Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Principles of Quality Management Systems - Essay Example Total quality states the culture and attitude of an organization with the sole purpose of satisfying its customers with its products and services. The culture element in quality control is all pervasive in a company’s operations, removing the faults at first notice to achieve total quality control standards set in the principles of quality management systems. TQM is essentially customer-driven. It is run by top management, where improvement is a continuous process to satisfy customer needs as fast as possible. Products and services are improvised on the basis of collected data and its analysis. The employees participate in the best of team spirit feelings to attain a TQM culture and environment. All departments of an organization work for customer satisfaction – becoming internal customers first by operating as customers to some functions so that any loopholes may be checked and rectified before the product is Okayed for supply to venders. Thus, different parts of a company first become customers of its own products for some functions, then supplier to venders, who play a positive role in the process of total quality management for customer satisfaction. Products are developed in a TQM environment, where attention is paid to enhance and add quality and value to a product by checking errors instead of negative criticism. In a proce ss-oriented atmosphere, team members interact with their internal customers to attain total quality. Venders, who are external customers, become a part in the process of fulfilling customers’ demands, expectations, wishes and needs. Another important principle of Quality management systems is its â€Å"process approach†. This stress on process approach is fundamental to Quality Management Systems BS EN ISO 9001:2000.This standard is the "granddaddy" of global quality management system standards, and is designed to be used by any organization as the foundation for a QMS. It

Friday, July 26, 2019

Exhibition Design Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Exhibition Design - Coursework Example At some points, the ants converge revealing the exact natural behavior of the ants while travelling or in search for food in their natural habitat. There is selection of natural lighting, use of white color for background and black color for the ants that presents a lovable piece of work. The audience gets the mouthwatering appreciation of the long streak of the path taken by the ants and the meandering path taken is the ants are excellently natural. The room equally presents consistent lighting scenario. The lighting presents a scene where all the edges are darker as compared to the inner sections of the wall. The selective lighting creates brighter, popping out the section of the arts while neglecting edges and thus presents a sense of a bigger space in the room. Labeling process for the arts is undertaken at collected points with few words elaborating of source of the art. The labeling is undertaken at a common point. While some arts can appear useless but after reading the attached label on it that the audience appreciates it. All labeling are undertaken are concentrated at certain selected points. The labeling entailed present some materials and arts to be sourced from Ivory coast which also proceeds to highlight on the original application of the communicated art message. Floors are either brown or darks

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Economic Downturn and Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Economic Downturn and Crime - Essay Example According to the findings, it can, therefore, be said that the Economic downturn is a period characterized by declines in the economic activities in an economy, an economic downturn may last from months to years and is normally visible within employment, real income, production, and other indicators. As per the past research conducted by Finklea, for example in the United States, the economic downturn does fuel crimes. Figures show an increase in the crime level that resulted from opposition parties, members of different parties fighting each other. In England and Wales, the figures of crime have changed as a result of the economic downturn; records show that the domestic burglaries raised by four percent, forgery and fraud rose by 16% while the burglaries within the businesses rose by 3%. The annual crime statistics for 2014 also show that the crime rate increased in terms of â€Å"fatal stabbings†, the records show an increase of 16% in the number of knife robberies. As per the journal by Finklea the assumptions made by the security officials in 2014 also show that the number of property crimes increased which in most cases accounts for 70% of all the recorded crimes. The estimates are that with the increase in the economic crisis then the crime rate will keep increasing. The public even with the increasing crime rates is still very hopeful in that the crime rates will reduce.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Self-Designed Coaching Course of Independent Training for Industrial Research Paper

Self-Designed Coaching Course of Independent Training for Industrial Supervision - Research Paper Example One of the most fundamental skills that can be provided to newly hired supervisors on an industrial work site is understanding how to build a positive, unified organizational culture in order to gain follower commitment to the achievement of strategic goals and imperatives. Whether a safety culture committed to zero incidents or whether a culture of ethics designed to provide human capital advantages in relation to establishing a corporate name positively linked with social responsibility, supervisors must maintain knowledge in sociological and psychological domains to facilitate more effective interpersonal relationships with a variety of internal and external stakeholders. This report describes the rationale and intention behind a proposed independent training program with an emphasis on coaching in order to provide newly-hired supervisors with the skills and attitudes necessary to become more effective leaders. Coaching, in this context, is defined as recurrent conversations betwe en organizational stakeholders emphasizing opportunities for improvement and development, â€Å"aimed at exerting a positive influence on awareness, performance, and behavior† (CCMI 2010, p.2). 2. The rationale for Undertaking Supervisory Training Coaching establishes a partnership perception between trainees and the instructor, unlocking the potential for maximizing managerial performance and establishing clarity for how to overcome behavioral barriers to effective management processes. Industrial management differs from many other business industries, as industrial workplaces require more stringent control systems to ensure compliance as a matter of reducing liabilities (safety fulfillment), to meet oftentimes inflexible deadlines for work completion, and often require the supervisor to maintain centralized, top-down authority systems that negate shared decision-making. Concurrently, the supervisor will require blended knowledge of psycho-social, human behavioral characteri stics in order to gain followership and commitment to achieving short- and long-term strategic goals. The managerial demands imposed on supervisors on an industrial worksite require that the manager is given training that will construct or enhance pre-existing knowledge regarding managerial psychology in order to facilitate the development of an appropriate, cohesive organizational culture. Under respected models of human behavior, in order to gain meaningful commitment from stakeholders, managers must establish a priority sense of social belonging and enhance self-esteem development in order to gain inherent desire to achieve the maximum of individual performance (Maslow 1998; Morris and Maisto 2005). However, at the same time, much of the tangible work conducted on an industrial site demands stringent compliance measures to remove risks from the business model and ensure strict adherence to project deadlines. This is what complicates the process of industrial supervision over that of other industries, as the supervisor must maintain diverse and flexible leadership philosophies that effectively blend autocratic management with human-centric characteristics. This is why training on an industrial worksite is so critical for newly-hired supervisors.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

MOIGC Assignment 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

MOIGC 1 - Assignment Example Opportunities for currency exchange as well as mediums of communication have developed from the introduction of internet. More people can make international visits without any hazards and take advantage of currency exchange. Enterprises can communicate well through the development of systems of communication and office automation. There are more advantages than disadvantages of globalisation. It has shown a positive trend of development till date. Globalisation will most certainly bring in bright changes in the world and make it more powerful in the near future. The assignment here highlights all these points in a comprehensive manner, so that the idea of this business assignment can be translated in a more appropriate way. Globalisation has become an inevitable part of the world economy. This can be stated from trades that take place between various countries in different parts of the world. From past evidences, it can be easily understood that global economy was existent from a long period of time. Explorers had to face various risks to conquer new places and resources found there. A new age or era seemed to emerge from imperialism of the 19th century (Gibbert and Durand, 2006). Globalisation contributed in building an era, where different nations directly competed with each other. A lot of changes took place, encompassing development of the underwater cables of telephone, steam ships that are iron hulled and screw driven, radio, satellite technology and the most vital of all is the internet. These technologies have proved to be helpful as the process of communication became easier and faster for the whole world. It was available at any time and from anywhere. In organisations, introduction of the pr oduction line and association of the same with scientific management enabled mass production (Hakansson and Waluszewski, 2007). As a result of this, manufacturing levels of the third world companies became cheaper than the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Religion and Identity Essay Example for Free

Religion and Identity Essay The question often arrived what is religion? There are more than one answer to this depending on one’s culture, identity, ethics and beliefs. Religion can be found in different cultures and throughout the whole period of human history. There is evidence that shows signs of religion such as animal spirits in art and human burials that suggest the belief in life after death. There have been many different answers and definition to what religion is (Van Voorst, 2013). According to Robert E. Van Voorst (2013), religion is â€Å"Pattern of beliefs and practices that expresses and enacts what a community regards as sacred and/or ultimate about life (pg.5). In addition to that, there is the separation of church and state. In America, the right to freedom of religion is very central to the American democracy that it was preserved in the First Amendment to the Constitution along with other rights such as freedom of speech and freedom of press. The country’s founders restrict the separation of church and state. This is due to the prohibition against government regulation or endorsement of religion. According to American Civil Liberties Union of Florida (2012), the standard of separation has been regularly tested. In early America, even after church establishment ended, some state legislators sought to revive the compulsory taxation of citizens to support religious institutions. In this century, public schools were once required to teach the biblical version of the earths and humanitys creation, while the scientific theory of evolution was prohibited. Throughout our history, sectarian advocates have tried to inject religious exercises, such as daily prayer, into the public schools. At times, religious minorities, including members of cults, have been discriminated against because of their beliefs. And today, many citizens in many communities disagree about whether a model of the infant Jesus in the manger, which officially promotes certain religious beliefs over others, should be displayed on the steps of City Hall. The courts must frequently consider where to draw the line that separates church and state ( ¶5). Religion is one of our most critical tradition and constitutional rights and must stand against anything that would challenge the standard of separation, which protects that freedom. Reid Temple African Methodist Episcopal Church was the group that I visited. Though it is not my own religious practice, it qualifies as a religion. Driving up to the church there is a sign that has the name of the church boldly written in LED lights. The welcome message display in red across the board says â€Å"All Are Welcome†. Inside of Reid Temple church they have a Cross as their symbol posted high where all can see. The service was nice with the choir singing praises to God and special prayer request were taken. After the service, I spoke with the Senior Pastor about his church and what exactly do they believe in. I was informed that their slogan is â€Å"Aiming to Please through the 5 E’s. This came from II Corinthians 5:9 which states â€Å"So whether at home or away, we make our aim to please Him. (RSV). The 5 E’s were described to me as â€Å"Evangelism which is sowing the seed of God’s Word in the hearts of all people. Empowerment which is bestowing love and guidance on believers to disciple them in fulfilling their purpose. Education which is knowing the will of God through study and obedience of His Word. Economics which is flowing in financial prosperity according to God’s wealth principles and Expansion which is growing in all ministry areas to reach the growing harvest of souls† ( Washington, L. Personal interview January 13, 2013). The cross is a reminder of their pledge and it also reminds them that Jesus died for their sins and to Him all praise is given. Buddhism also has a symbol such as the Dharmachakra which is the wheel of the law. The eight spokes on the wheel represents the eightfold path. The wheel is one of the most important Buddhist symbols because it symbolizes the teachings of Buddha. According to Thames Hudson (2004), The wheels motion is a metaphor for the rapid spiritual change engendered by the teachings of the Buddha: the Buddhas first discourse at the Deer Park in Sarnath is known as the first turning of the wheel of dharma. His subsequent discourses at Rajgir and Shravasti are known as the second and third turnings of the wheel of dharma. The eight spokes of the wheel symbolize the Noble Eightfold Path set out by the Buddha in his teachings. The wheel also represents the endless cycle of samsara, or rebirth, which can only be escaped by means of the Buddhas teachings. And some Buddhists regard the the wheels three basic parts as symbols of the three trainings in Buddhist practice: The hub symbolizes moral discipline, which stabilizes the mind. The spokes (usually there are eight) represent wisdom which is applied to defeat ignorance. The rim represents training in concentration, which holds everything else together ( ¶ 2 3). In the early days, the Dharmachakra not only symbolizes the teaching of Buddha but also Buddha himself. Today, it appears in the art of every Buddhist culture (para 5). Practicing religion can shape an individual and group identity. Take Buddhism for example that is followed by many Indians. This religion practices the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. The Four Noble Truths teaches that: 1. All life is suffering- this suggests that all beings experience suffering and that it can be ranged from great physical and mental pain to mild emotional unhappiness. Suffering originates from anger and sadness but then happiness is also suffering because it comes and goes. 2. The cause of suffering is desire- This suggests that humans want what they do not have and should not have. Humans’ personal desire for happiness is the cause of the suffering. 3. To end desire is to end suffering -which suggests that putting all craving and personal desires to an end will therefore end the suffering. This breaks the negative karma which leads to the 4th Noble Truth 4. To end desire- one must follow the Noble Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path is : 1. The right to understanding which ends the concept of what one think is reality and see reality as it is. 2. The right to intention is where people must want to change before they can actually be change. 3. The right to speech which is speaking the truth at all times. 4. The right to conduct which means no killing, stealing, drinking, intoxicants and being sexual. 5. The right to livelihood which is working and living a life that does not cause others harm. 6. The right to effort which is developing a conscious free from craving. 7. The right to mindfulness which is to be aware and mindful and 8. The right to contemplation which is the deepening of mindfulness that leads to concentration and insight may be obtained (Van Voorst,2013). Practicing the Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path teaches and shape the followers of Buddhism. It is a way of life for them which teach them to take time to find out who they are and what they are all about. It is a guideline to ethical and menta l development. Shinto culture is another example of how practicing religion and shape individuals or groups. The people of Japan practices Shinto and is rooted in the people there and their traditions. The Shinto gods that are called kami are sacred spirits. These spirits can take form in things such as wind, rain, mountains, trees, rivers and fertility. Shinto religion believes that when a human dies they become a kami and is given back to their families and ancestral kami. There not a right from wrong in Shinto and their faith is based on being optimistic. The Shinto faith is blended with other beliefs such as that of Buddhism and Daoism. It does not have a founder, written documents, formalized ethics, system of beliefs, scripture or an organized system of theology but with the blend of Buddhism and Daoism, the Japanese culture now have a system of beliefs, written documents, founder, ethics and all that it was lacked before. It is still a central religion of Japan (Carroll, 2012). Shinto grounds are very sacred and behavior must be proper at all times. There are no food or drink allowed and there must be silence or hushed voices. Purity is important in Shinto and there is a certain procedure in washing your hands on mouth. Purity is important in pleasing the kami which brings a happy life. Van Voorst wrote that â€Å"Cleanliness in particular signifies a good character and freedom from bad external influences. In Western societies one hears the proverb â€Å"Cleanliness is next to godliness.† In traditional Japanese society cleanliness—of body, mind, and spirit, both ritual and practical—is godliness. To be in harmony with the kami, one must keep one’s person, home, and business clean† (pg 198). Religion has always been connected with government and politics. The Western world has a history of influence from Catholicism and Protestant rift. It is very similar to the history of some parts of Southern Asia that have been influenced by Islam. The interconnection of both religion and government is to be expected because both are regulating social behavior. During the past century, religion has been less influential. Modern governments have been influenced by Democratic philosophy which put importance of the average man and a sharing of the world’s resources. These ideas continue to shape modern society in different ways. For example, technology has drastically changed the nature of life and work. Traditional religious systems are gradually becoming less important. The trend towards secularism continues but has not been nearly as pronounced in the United States and regular church attendance started to decrease in the 1960’s and early 1970’s. It increased again post World War II period. There is only a small majority of Americans who thinks religion is of any importance in their lives (Federal Funding of Faith-Based Services, 2011). Many people know what religion is until they are asked to define it. Religion is a worldly thing, across many boundaries in human experience and so that makes it a bit hard to define. There are a few different definition of religion and many have different religious experience and understanding of Ultimate Reality. At Reid Temple, I asked the lady sitting next to me if she could tell what Ultimate Reality means. She said to her Ultimate Reality meant a personal relationship with God. In a different culture Ultimate Reality could mean spiritual growth or spiritual path. Not everyone is all about religion though. There are some cultures who prefer that their beliefs not to be subject as a religion but as a faith or teaching. There are some who argue that they are not religious but they are spiritual. References American Civil Liberties Union of Florida. (2012). Church and state. Retrieved from http://www.aclufl.org/take_action/download_resources/info_papers/3.cfm Carroll,B.J. (2012). Shinto basics. Retrieved from http://www.world-religions-professor.com/shinto.html Federal Funding of Faith-Based Services. (2011). Religion and public policy. Retrieved from http://www.newsbatch.com/religion.htm Thames Hudson. (2004). Reading Buddhist Art: an illustrated guide to Buddhist signs and Symbols. Retrieved from http://www.religionfacts.com/buddhism/symbols/wheel.htm Van Voorst, R.E. (2013). World relg. Student edition. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. USA Washington, L.P. (2013). Reid Temple Senior Pastor. Personal Interview January 13, 2013.

Visual Arts of the World Essay Example for Free

Visual Arts of the World Essay Visual arts ranged from a variety of objects. These are works of art that are crafted with visual in nature such as paintings, photography, architecture, filmmaking and sculpture. Thus, these pieces of art are primarily meant for visual consumptions. This study will tackle on wooden sculptures belonging to two different cultures: the bulol or Ifugao rice god of the Philippines and one of the early wooden sculptures of Yoruba Nigeria of Africa. The said art forms will then be examined, analyzed, compared and contrasted. The formal elements or physical appearance of the work will be discussed first and second, its cultural representations and significance. According to the British Council Arts, sculpture is the art or process of creating representational or abstract forms, either in the round or in relief. It is a form of art that is being carve either on wood, ivory or any material that the artist decide to do so. Ifugaos are inhabitants of the Central Cordillera in northern Luzon in the Philippines. Their origin is derived from the term Ipugo which means â€Å"from the hill†. According to Ifugao mythology, the name â€Å"Ifugao† is derived from Ipugo which refers to the rice grain given to them by their god Matungulan. Until today, this kind of rice grain is cultivated by the Ifugaos (Sianghio). On the other hand, according to The Africa Guide, Yoruba are people who live in Southwest Nigeria and Benin. They have developed a variety of diverse artistic forms which include pottery, weaving, beadwork, metalwork, and mask making. There are more than 401 known Yoruba gods so most of the artworks, which include sculptures, are made in order to honor the gods and ancestors The bulol, generally means deity, is specifically a granary idol. It is considered as an effigy of deceased ancestors (Asian Studies 63). In accordance to the C. E. Smith Museum of Anthropology, it is carved human figurines that is usually made in pairs—male and female—and are kept in the house or granary. Some bulols are standing while some are squatting with folded arms (Masferre and de Villa 54). It is an abstract art, according to Alfredo Evangelista of National Museum of the Philippines (1970), because the Ifugao carver expresses his feelings rather than attempts realistic representation. The deformations are results on the emphasis on the quality of other worldliness or the preternatural. The bulol is the most crucial art form because it embodies the Ifugao’s most sacred traditional values (Asian Studies 62). On the contrary, the Yoruba Nigeria sculpture follows the typical form of an African sculpture—cylindrical. African wooden sculptures are primarily cylindrical in appearance and are also made of wood. The statues are carved from trunks or branches (Segy 14). According to Frank Willet, the head is very much depicted because the Yoruba believes that it is the seat of one’s destiny, therefore it must be symbolically bigger and more prominent than any other part of the body. He has also identified three characteristics of Yoruba sculpture: bulging eyes, protruding lips and simplified ears which can clearly see in the chosen piece. The selected sculpture is not defined whether the art form is a female because the chosen Yoruba sculpture is naked, showing its stout breast or a male, exposing its phallus. Carving a bulol usually takes six weeks to finish and it is accompanied by rituals and dancing. The male and female bulols are carved at the same time (Masferre and de Villa 54). In contrast, the Africans believe that trees are home of spirits so in order to pacify the spirit of the tree, a special ritual is done before the cutting of the tree. The two selected sculptures are both anthropomorphic in forms which mean that the works of art ascribe human characteristics. They are both made of wood. If the bulol is often placed in a granary to protect the harvest, the Yoruba sculpture is used as an adornment and indicates a social status. The chosen works of art have utilitarian and historical relationship with the culture of the carver. They are both religious symbols and are accompanied by certain rituals. If bulols are considered as ancestors whose spirits can protect the living (Alvina and Sta. Maria 199), the Yoruba sculpture is a manifestation of the relationship of the African and the spirits of dead members of his family, which is extremely important in their culture. From the cultural background of bulol, it can clearly be seen that Ifugao are farmers. They live in an agricultural area where they primarily rely their lives. On the other hand, the Yoruba sculpture, as a social symbol, indicates that the owner is from a wealthy class, however, it is not clearly indicated or stated that the carver is also from a domineering class in their society, thus, the carver can come from the lower class in the society. Those chosen visual arts need to be seen, perceived and judged with an open mind. They should not be anchored to the Western standard of defining â€Å"what is beautiful† or â€Å"what is aesthetically pleasing† because they will definitely fail to abide to the Western standard with regards to â€Å"what is art,† which is confined then to fine arts—paintings, sculptures of artists that appeal to the senses and emotions—pieces that express the Western notion of â€Å"beauty† and portrays realistic figures especially when it comes paintings and sculptures just like how Michelangelo comes up with his â€Å"David,† the famous depiction of male beauty (History of Beauty). If the wooden sculptures of Yoruba and Ifugao are anchored to the Western standards and notions of ‘art’ and ‘beauty,’ those pieces will then categorically be labeled as â€Å"primitive† due to their irregular proportions and eerie appearance. Illustrations This Yoruba sculpture has originated at Yoruba Nigeria in Africa. It is an anthropomorphic figure and a manifestation of the nexus of the dead African family members to the living. It is a religious and status symbol. It is an early Yoruba sculpture. The artist or carver of the sculpture has not been stated but definitely he belongs to the culture of Yoruba. It is 34. 3 inches or 87 cm tall and made of wood (not specified). . This bulol is one of the forms of a rice god—sitting with folded arms. It is usually put in a house or in a granary for protection. It is often carve in pairs—a male and a female. It has a length of 6. 5 inches, a width of 6. 5 inches and a height of 24 inches. The artist or carver is not also stated but definitely he is an Ifugao. The sculpture is made of wood (not specified). Works Cited Asian Studies. University of the Philippines: Philippine Center for Advanced Studies Philippine Center for Advanced Studies, 1972.Alvina Corazon and Santa Maria Sta. Maria. Halupi. Capital Publishing House, 1989. Gagelonia, Pedro A. Concise Philippine History. Philippines: Far Eastern University Consumers Cooperative Incorporation, 1970. Masferre, E. and Jill Gale de Villa. A Tribute to the Philippine Cordillera. Makati City, Philippines: Brier projects, 1999. Perkins, Morgan and Howard Murphy. Anthropology of Art. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. Segy, Ladislas. African Sculpture. New York: Dover, 1958. Willet, Frank. African Art: An Introduction. Singapore: Thames and Hudson, 1971. â€Å"African People and Culture. † The African Guide. 02 December 2008. http://www. africaguide. com/culture/tribes/yoruba. htm. â€Å"Cutting: The Woodcarver. † 18 April 1995. Yoruba. Conner, Michael. 02 December 2008. http://www. fa. indiana. edu/~conner/yoruba/woodcarver. html â€Å"History of Beauty. † Answers. com. 02 December 2008. http://www. answers. com/topic/beauty â€Å"Ifugao. † Tripod. Sianghio, Christina. 02 December 2008. http://litera1no4. tripod. com/ifugao_frame. html. â€Å"Sculpture. † British Council Art. 02 December 2008. http://www. britishcouncil. org/arts-art-sculpture. htm List of Illustrations

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Policy Effects on Investment Planning and Strategy

Policy Effects on Investment Planning and Strategy Introduction One of the essentially significant long term decisions for any company relates to investment. Investment is the acquisition or formation of assets with the purpose of creating profits in the future. Classically investment engages using financial resources to acquire a building/ machine or additional asset, which will then yield returns to a business above an era of time. Investments planning entail thinking in relation to a series of issues that have a standing on where you eventually choose to place your money. These issues will differ as per to your particular circumstances, age, and approach to risk, and thinking regarding them cautiously prior to you establish making commitments will assist you keeping away from some potentially expensive mistakes. 1. Outline of a plan. Product pricing for reaching out to the current and expected customers is very important for the managers. It is their perceptive and choices that are going to establish the accomplishment of any business. A most important strategy that guarantees that customers keep hold off with the product is to construct the product inelastic utilizing pricing and further strategies. On the other hand, before we explicate the strategies to build low-calorie microwavable food inelastic, we have got to realize the significance of elasticity. Elasticity or elasticity of price is an assessment of quantity demanded offsets when price is modified, that is, it is a measure of accessibility of the consumer owing to changes in price. It is calculated as the percentage of the proportion change in the demanded quantity and proportional change in price. If the demand of elasticity is superior to one, we state that demand is elastics, if it is a lesser than one, we state that demand is inelastic, if equivalent to one, we state demand is unit elastic. Inelasticity essentially involve that the product is essential to the consumer, as a result even if the price goes up, customer will not act in response with an equi-proportionate reduction in demanded quantity. We have establish out in this case that the elasticity of price is -0.61 which denotes a 1% price increase of the product sources demanded quantity to increase by 0.61%. Consequently, the product demand is comparatively inelastic. On the other hand, from an extended term viewpo int, it is significant for the managers to make certain that inelasticity continues to be the advantage for the company. So the primary strategy will be to classify the section of the consumer for which product of low calorie microwavable is essential and center on tendering services and benefits to these sections which tie up them to the product for an extended time. The managers require ensuring that their competitors cannot attract the customers with services and benefits that will put forward replacements to the buyers, as one of the means to create a product inelastic is having a smaller number of substitutes. Cost Reduction will as well assist the company by which they can surpass on the gain of reducing of cost by maintaining the price low and thus maintaining the base of customer. Innovation, diversity and getting out to an extensive customer base will as well assist in long run to continue the product inelastic. 2. Major effects of government policies It is very important as a business manager to be aware of the effect of government policies on their business. Policies from more than a few levels in an economy can have an effect on the business. State, Federal, and local governments are engaged in the business enterprises regulation. At State level, regulations include of licensing of various businesses and regulation of public utility companies, for instance health care facilities, and copious professions, for instance law and accounting. At Federal level we have Antitrust Division and Federal Trade Commission e including several additional agencies that control business decisions. Correspondingly, Local governments normally set and put into effect building codes and zoning laws. Regulatory restraints can be imposed in non-discriminatory means on any set of comparable business. These restraints can have an effect on a capital costs, operating costs of firm (both variable and fixed), and revenues. Consequently when the firms cost is enhanced owing to several type of government regulation that may direct to decreased production and thus a lesser number of hiring. There are more than a few firms in this case of the microwavable food, who are producing food which are to some extent diverse from each other, a situation that can be exemplified as differentiation of product. This is a typical instance of a monopolistically competitive market. Now as per to FDA, it is needed that the stated quantity for an substitute or imitation food or altered food, for instance a version of low calorie, should be the identical for the foodstuff for which it is proposed as a replacement. Consequently if the firm consecutively may want to capture the market may break the regulation that would have an effect on the firm. 3. Government regulation to ensure fairness. Industry of Low- calorie microwavable food has been exemplified as industry of monopolistic competition. When sales of industry are concentrated in a small number of hands, market performance and conduct are not as much of likely to be aggressive in nature. One extensively used index of market concentration is the ratio of market concentration. It might be described as the proportion of output of total industry (measured in terms of sales, value added, employment, or value of shipments) attributable to the 4, 8, 20, or 50 major companies. Companies that stand-in alone can be controlled beneath the Sherman Act who are unlawfully endeavoring to monopolize a market or employ in monopolistic practices. Consequently, if the industry is basically concentrated in few hands, equality would need intervention of government. Similarly equality can be infringed when the industry performs discrimination of prices. A big company that functions as a distributor or manufacturer in two (or more) diverse geographic (or product) markets and slashes wholesale prices in one market and not in the additional market can be indicted underneath the Robinson-Patman Act for alluring in unlawful price discrimination. Differential pricing directly to final product customers is permitted (and frequently based on â€Å"what the market will stand†) however not so in pricing to transitional product resellers (distributors, wholesalers, etc.). 4. Major reasons for government involvement. Governments intervene in the market because of social and economic reasons. Regulations turn out to be pleasing if the intervention effects into marginal benefit further than the intervention marginal cost. In the same way, when market may not offer the majority proficient outcome, it might require increasing it with regulation of government. Again, one more important feature is deliberation of ensuring fairness or equity in the process of decision making. It is significant that regulations of government benefit the poor, on the other hand, there is for all time an adjustment of trading off equity with effectiveness. It is supposed that unregulated market can for times lead to inefficiency or as normally referred to as failures of market. For instance consider the markets for power, water, and telecommunications. In such circumstances a normal monopoly can offer the services mainly efficiently, however that would generate unregulated profits and market power. Therefore in relation to each economy there is a regulatory control in such markets that restricts profits and utility prices. Correspondingly, there might be substantial differences in terms of social costs and values and private costs and values from the manufacture and using up of definite goods and services. This distinction is habitually referred as externality. One instance of unconstructive eternality is pollution of environment and in such a situation regulatory provisions similar to carbon tax can here contribute a significant role in harmonizing the negative effects of pollution. 5. The major complexities under expansion via capital projects. All the companies want out to built big empires and for that carry out expanding the horizons of business. Therefore it is best that firm’s managers think of the extensive run and allocate resources to raise productive capacity, generate mechanism to advance cost efficiency, and expand the base of asset of the company. It is on the other hand, vital to note that any decision taken by the managers engage exposures and usually would affect not merely the existing cash flows however as well future costs in addition to benefits. Capital budgeting is a procedure that engages long term planning, needs appropriate mechanism to assess capital expenditures which fundamentally demands developments and, research training and education for employee, -buy versus lease- decisions, and decisions concerning acquisitions and mergers. 6. Key actions that need to be taken to address or prevent complexities. The complexities engaged in expansion and capital budgeting require cautious and deliberated efforts and the subsequent steps might be taken consecutively to tackle these complexities. Primarily, managers should produce substitute project proposals of capital investment and endeavor to democratize the course of producing the ideas for fresh capital investments. Participation of all the stakeholders in producing fresh ideas, from factory workers all the means up to the Board of directors, will surely assist in sinking the complexities. It is as well significant to have an estimation of the cash flows for proposals of project. And following principles can positively aid in estimating such cash flows; 1. Cash flows that is calculated on a incremental basis, i.e. the cash flow stream for any project must be represented by the difference among the cash-flow streams to the firm with and devoid of recognition of the investment project. 2. Cash flows must be calculated on basis of after-tax, by means of the firm’s marginal tax rate. 3. All the indirect outcomes of the project all through the firm must be comprised in the calculations of cash-flow. For instance, if a division or department of the firm is considering a capital investment that will modify the costs or revenues of additional departments or divisions, then these external effects must be integrated into the estimates of cash-flow. 4. Sunk costs must not be considered when estimating the project. A sunk cost is an expenditure that has been completed (or committed to be made). Since sunk costs cannot be evaded, they must not be deemed in the decision to reject or accept a project. 5. The worth of resources employed in the project must be measured in expressions of their opportunity costs. Consequently, the third part is appraising the viability of the project. Classically, a project will effect in an initial (first-year) outflow (investment) pursued by a sequence of cash inflows (returns) above a number of following years and there might be more than a few criterion to evaluate the viability of a project: be it Net Present value Internal or rate of return. In conclusion an inclusive review of the projects confirming the accurateness of the decisions and a mid-course rectification if required to be made. 7. Convergence of the interests of stockholders and managers. It is rather normal to have a conflict of interest among the shareholders and managers. Consequently, it is imperative that managers are competent to identify such possible conflicts and offer answers to these conflicts. The foremost trouble comes from the allocation of profit amongst the shareholders and managers. Whereas shareholders would desire the profit to be dispensed as dividends, managers would desire this as bonus. 8. Most likely impact of above convergence Here, there needs the synergy of interest among these two groups. One strategy would be to propose deferred stocks to the managers which enable the holder to acquire company stock at a small discount to its existing price. Consequently these are linked to the manger’s performance and offered as bonus. If the performance of firm’s consequently improves, capitalized value ascends and equally the managers and shareholders position to gain. Conclusion In conclusion, diverse investments perceptibly bear diverse risks; these risks require to be balanced in opposition to the prospective rewards. There is an extensive selection of financial instruments and asset classes to select from, and it falls to the individual investor to recognize the risks by reading the documentation, doing their homework, etc†¦ prior to making any decisions on investment. Taking a positive view in the direction of investments can obstruct judgment and direct to higher risks being taken. Make balanced decisions founded on your original goals. The requirement to ensure you base your investment decisions on apparent reasoning sounds so understandable that it’s almost not worth pointing out. Yet it’s rather several people find astonishingly hard to do every time in practice. References G. N., Mankiw, (2012). Principles of Microeconomics (6th ed.) . Cengage Learning J. R., McGuigan, R. C., Moyer, F. H. deB. Harris, (2014).Managerial economics: applications, strategies and tactics (13th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Common Themes of Three Songs Essay -- Music Comparison

The Postal Service released three hits; The District Sleeps Alone Tonight, Such Great Heights, and Clark Gable. These songs all share a common theme; teenage self-loathing love songs. I will be analyzing these three songs and the common themes between them. The District Sleeps Alone Tonight is about the singer gaining an understanding of why he is not with the one he loves. He sings â€Å"I’ll wear my badge†¦a vinyl sticker with big block letters adherent to my chest that tells your new friends I am a visitor here.† This is expressing that to her it always seemed it was never going to last. It means he was always there only when he wanted to be, and would never stay for long. In this song, he realizes why he was left and why he is so alone. Such Great Heights is someone knowing he or she was meant to be with another person. You think you are perfect for each other and you fit together like a puzzle. In reality, he is realizing he is the only one who still feels that way, and the one he loves, does not. He wants her to be guided home by his music, by fate, and by love. â€Å"The windows down when this is guiding you home† expresses his wishes. He wants her to take a long drive to him and to stay with him, forever. Clark Gable is about him wishing their love could be like a movie. In the song he pretends to be in a movie with her, acting as though they are still in love. He sings â€Å"I want so badly to believe that there is truth, that love is real† and in this ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lesbian and Gay Teens Essay -- Teenagers Adolescents Homosexual Youth

Of the many emotions a gay man or woman feel, perhaps the most powerfully pervasive is fear. The fear of being found out is real enough, but the worry does not end there. There also lurks the fear of being called names, being assaulted, perhaps even killed. For adults these fears are horrible enough. For a lesbian and gay teenager, who lacks experience and life skills to cope with them, such fears can be overwhelming. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth face many problems as they realize they are homosexual. Often they don't know even one other homosexual person and feel very alone and misunderstood. They see very few role models, no one to identify with. No one knows their secrets, no one shares their pain. No one will stop others from name calling if the name calling is about homosexuality. Who would dare to speak up? No one speaks up, not in junior high and high school. College, perhaps; pride events are more easily seen then, but in high school no one speaks up. Imagine dearly loving someone else and having to keep it totally secret because if you don't you will be punished, cast out of your home by your family, not accepted by your friends, perhaps losing your job. This is the world of the lesbian and gay young person. The feelings homosexual youth face are only the beginning of the problem. As they recognize that they are different and discriminated against, they lose self esteem and become depressed. Many become suicidal and develop a feeling of extreme depression and helplessness. Homosexual youth can not speak up because of fear and misunderstanding. Not only do they face unrestricted discrimination and harassment at school, they often face similar or worse homophobia at home. Parents, unaware of their children's sexual orientation, often make cutting remarks about homosexual television characters, community members, or the orientation in general. They may not even recognize their comments, but the child is hanging on to every word, looking for at least a tiny bit of acceptance from family. Many times they find hate instead of acceptance, sometimes to the point of being kicked out of the house at age 14 or 15 when a homophobic parent does find out. This leaves them with nowhere to turn. Sometimes, what makes it so especially hard for gay teens is the very thing that protects them, their invisibility. For example, the lesbian, gay or bisexual te... ...on and independence occur then. Homosexual teen suicide, discrimination from all areas of life, and misunderstanding of homosexuality, both from the heterosexual community and from the homosexual youth who have not have access to information, would greatly reduce, or nearly disappear, if proper education was given in the schools to combat homophobia. Homosexual youth should not have to lie to hide their orientation from their parents, friends, and the rest of the community, just to stay alive. Even one teacher taking a stand for proper homosexual information in schools can make a difference. That one teacher may be the role model, one or several students needed to see to make them feel worthwhile and not suicidal. Too often though a teacher who stands up for equal rights and protection is cut down by the school administration and parents. However, even then a student may feel better that at least one person understands them and wants to fight for their rights. It can be the difference between hopelessness and a bit of hope. As more teachers, administrators, social workers, and other people speak up, the deadly silence and invisibility of homosexual youth begins to diminish.

Politics of Belize :: Essays on Politics

Politics of Belize The political system of Belize is fairly new. Belize gained its independence from Britain on September 21, 1981, and the Constitution of Belize was born with this newly autonomous state. Since its independence, Belize has remained a commonwealth of the British Monarch and owes allegiance to the queen of England. Belize's government is modeled after the British Parliamentary system. Although the country of Belize has been independent from Britain since 1981, the Caribbean country maintains many of the British practices and procedures in its political, governmental and judicial systems. The Federal Parliamentary government of Belize is comprised of two unified branches of government: the executive and the legislative branches. The Prime Minister and the cabinet make up the executive branch. They are chosen from the majority party in the Lower House of the legislature. The Prime Minister is the head of the cabinet. A governor-general, appointed by the United Kingdom monarch also possesses some appointing power in Parliament. The governor-general is an extension of the Royal Family, and his/her duties are rather superficial and more of a formality. According to Latin America Profiled, the UK appointed Governor-General of Belize is Sir Colville Young. Said Musa is the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs of the Belize's Parliament. Those who Prime Minister Musa appointed to his cabinet include: George Price, John Briceno, Ralph Fonseca, Josà © Coye, Maxwell Samuels, Cordel Hyde, Richard "Dickie" Bradley, Marcial Mes, Garcà ­a Balderamose Oolores, Ruben Campos, Jorge Espat, Godfrey Smith, and B.Q. Pitts as the Speaker. This cabinet works on projects ranging from foreign affairs, hea lthcare, to civil society agendas. These representatives are chosen because of their experience and their party identification. It is expected that these officials will produce results, which are conducive to the opinions of the constituents, as well as to the loyalty of their party. A bicameral National Assembly forms the legislative branch of Parliament. The two branches of this bicameral body are called the House of Representatives and the Senate. There are twenty-nine elected members in the House of Representatives and eight appointed members in the Senate. Administrators in the House of Representatives are elected by universal suffrage. Five of the officials of the Senate are appointed by the governor-general on the advice of the Prime Minister, two by the leader of the less powerful party and one by the Belize Advisory Council.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Montessori Language Rationale Essay

Language, simply put, is a system of symbols with an agreed upon meaning that is shared within a group of individuals. Maria Montessori understood that children have to learn language, that it is not inborn. She also understood the adolescent mind has a long sensitive period for language. Because language is deeply connected to the process of thinking, the child will need to be spoken to and listened to often. Each child learns language at their own rate and pace. There can be different factors, such as a child learning multiple languages at once. Most often, with little effort, the child will be able to learn oral language by being in an environment that fosters conversation. Early on, toddlers will begin to make intentional sounds, â€Å"At one year of age the child says his first intentional word†¦his babbling has a purpose, and this intention is a proof of conscious intelligence†¦He becomes ever more aware that language refers to his surroundings, and his wish to master it consciously becomes also greater†¦.Subconsciously and unaided, he strains himself to learn, and this effort makes his success all the more astonishing.† (The Absorbent Mind, p. 111) Most children by the age of two will have a rapid growth in language comprehension. Towards the end of the second year the child is able to combine two or more words into basic sentences, â€Å"Every child†¦bur sts out with a number of words all perfectly pronounced. And all this occurs at the end of the second year of his life.† (The Absorbent Mind, p. 103) The directress plays the most important role by giving objects labels within the environment. It is essential that all language be given to a child within a context. The child needs to know the names, labels, and the meaning of things in the environment in order for them to have relevancy, â€Å"At about a year and a half, the child discovers another fact, and that is that each thing has its own name.† (The Absorbent Mind, p.113) This allows the child to see and understand the greater picture of things and gives things meaning. Once the greater picture is achieved, it can then be broken down into smaller details. The Montessori language materials isolate elements of language and offer  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœportals’ for the children in the exploration of language. Maria crafted the materials to be presented to the child in the same manner in which they learn oral language, starting with nouns, articles, adverbs, etc. After a new concept is presented to the child, there should always be a return to the original environmental language using storytelling, poetry, storybooks and everyday speech. This allows the child to clearly see how the new concept is applied, with context, in our world. The Montessori preliminary language exercises give the child the vocabulary for objects in the immediate environment. Three part cards with appropriate terminology are a wonderful material to introduce new vocabulary for nouns. Sandpaper letters are a great tool to introduce the child to the sounds of alphabet. Puzzles may also be placed on the shelf, for they indirectly teach the left to right reading style. By the time the absorbent mind of the child has reached the age of six, they will come to understand that the sounds and words have meaning and that these symbols can be used in writing.  The Montessori curriculum helps the child develop writing skills through many materials. Tracing the sandpaper letters, working with the movable alphabet, metal insets, as well as using the sand tray, all help teach letter formation. A silent helper in the Montessori classroom is the practical life area. In the practical life area, you will find many jobs that indirectly teach proper pincer g rip for holding a pencil. Introduction to reading comes through phonetic reading boxes. The reading boxes are cleverly organized, going from simple to the complex. Reading does not follow the same process of writing, which is taking our own thoughts and symbolizing. When we read, it is not our language with which we are working with, it is the author’s language. Reading is the analysis of the language followed by a synthesis. Story telling and socio-dramatic play in the environment can help the child develop an imagination that fosters a higher capability to understand what is being read to them. The Montessori language program is like no other. With a prepared Montessori environment, the child can flourish in orally, in their handwriting, and  lastly in their reading.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Lung Cancer Detection Methods

T present be several slipway in which lung pubic louse whitethorn be detected and some of these are the future(a)First of all is to have the persevering lowgo what is technically referred to as cover version (The health Alliance, 2006, n.p.). Here, a series of science lab tests and other examinations are carried out (The wellness Alliance, 2006, n.p.).Second is known as beginning test (The Health Alliance, 2006, n.p.). Here, the blood is pose under scrutiny to see if the lung pubic louse has multiplied and have already reached the patient roles liver or bone up (The Health Alliance, 2006, n.p.).Third is the bone plaza biopsy wherein a needle is utilise to channel out a small tract of the bone located at the sustain of the hip bone and is placed under the microscope to see if any cancer cells may be detected (The Health Alliance, 2006, n.p.). fourthly is technically referred to as mediastinoscopy (Harvard University, 2008, n.p.). Here, the neck is inscribed to allo w a lighted scream to go through and to eventually sire a sample of tissue inner(a) it (Harvard University, 2008, n.p.) Again, this will confirm if cancer cells are there or not by looking at it under the microscope (Harvard University, 2008, n.p). ordinal is known as bronchoscopy (The Health Alliance, 2006, n.p.). interchangeable the aforementioned(prenominal) fourth detection method, a lighted pipe is involved here as well (The Health Alliance, 2006, n.p.). However, with this method, the resistance will be inserted on the wreathe and will look for tumors or obstructions in the lungs (The Health Alliance, 2006, n.p.). It may also proceeds tissue samples or fluids so that it may be checked under the microscope for cancer cells presence (The Health Alliance, 2006, n.p.).Last precisely not least is technically referred to as needle biopsy (Radiological Society of northwards the States Inc., 2008, n.p.). Here, the lungs are monitored through a mold known as CT skitter while a needle is utilized to take out a plenitude sample in the lungs (Radiological Society of marriage America Inc., 2008, n.p.).Like in the other methods, the aforementioned sample will have to be checked under the microscope (Radiological Society of north-central America Inc., 2008, n.p.).ReferencesHarvard University. (2008). Mediastinoscopy.Retrieved February 14, 2008 fromhttp//www.health.harvard.edu/diagnostic-tests/mediastinoscopy.htmRadiological Society of North America, Inc. (2008). Needle Biopsy of Lung (Chest) Nodules.Retrieved February 14, 2008 fromhttp//www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm?pg=nlungbiop&bhcp=1The Health Alliance. (2006). Lung Cancer Detection.Retrieved February 14, 2008 fromhttp//www.health-alliance.com/Cancer/lung/detection.html

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

Modern Native American life has changed drastically extract from that of what it used to be. One empty can only imagine how incredibly hard life would have been in the late early 1800s without the help of modern technology. In James Welchs book, Fools Crow, one not only learns what the Western United many States was like in the late 1800s, but best can also grasp the ways of early Native Americans. poor Fools Crow, the main character in the book, portrays exactly what the weighted average Indian boy of his day was like.Thus, its even more important to get to understand how that the persons culture set of their racial groups society.Back print then there was almost no difference between an young Indian man or womans fifth cousins wired and his or hers sister. Both were treated the same, logical and both were respected immensely. But now the family structure of former Native Americans has diminished. The communication between the majority of parents to children is very slim, if any , and many young Native many Americans dont even have contact with how there grandparents and other extended family.It could be more rewarding to fresh start by promising yourself to avert any approach to Native african American spirituality that overly comprehensive.

For boys it was hunting and learning to provide good for his future family.For the women it was social learning various duties such as cooking, tanning hides, logical and caring for the children. Indians used to educate themselves in order to survive as a team. Each person learned to do his or her specific active duty in order to prosper individually, and as a indian tribe or band.Its not the exact same for each tribe.Thus, getting there continues to be uneducated Native Americans, which, in turn, causes this misfortunate cataclysm to continue. Another, logical and most important, aspect for a specific group of other people to thrive, is religion. Ever since the first civilized human lived, there what was religion. For most people, religion is the hot glue that holds their life together.Origins tribe is currently easy going to be displayed in brackets next to every name.

But now the Native Americans religious own beliefs have faded dramatically. Most of todays Indian youths no longer believe or practice the religion of their ancestors. Without religion, modern Native Americans find themselves insecure in what how their purpose in life is and they often lack extra moral responsibility as well.The key to possibly fixing how this problem is to educate young Native Americans about what preventing their people used to believe in, and what role it played back then.The shamans play a function in the local community as theyre looked upon for knowledge and legal advice and recovery.Some Possess the characteristics of African Americans.Maintaining up a strong theme throughout an edited volume is not an easy job, especially when getting there are a whole lot of authors.

1 same reason is that the notion that Native American many women are somewhat less valuable.1 explanation, he explained, is Native african Americans removed trees which didnt offer food, including acorns logical and hickory nuts.Now you start to see apply your first evidences of violence.Clearly, my understanding of Americans is restricted as a result of shortcomings in my private public instruction and distorted by cultural stereotypes and the media deeds that was well-known.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Most Important Person in Your Life

iodin psyche in my disembodied spirit that influences me the tight fittingly would be my mother. My mama is by far-off the strongest someone I endure and she has gone done more than(prenominal) than struggles than any soul should squander to. She had to beseech me on her birth man go or so umpteen wellness issues and did any(prenominal) she had to do to guide me what I needed. p piling of ground I was suppuration up, she did non clear to snuff it as much eon with me as she would same(p) because she worked a voltaic pile to deem misgiving of the bills and she was lots in the infirmary sick. We in like manner go to the highest degree a lot until I was ab surface 12, thus we finally possess our scratch digest and stated to overleap more eon to get outher.Things started to get hold of discontinue from here, until my granddad passed away. This touched my mama and I dandyly, only if curiously my florists chrysanthemum. She started t o stick more outside and she halt works for a while. I try to limit her smile and get nates the close alliance we had. after a some months things went keep going to normal, she was abide to the fun, harming fair sex I knew. oer the survive a few(prenominal) historic period my ma has liberal to be my shell friend, we do everything together, that her health has overly been increasingly getting worse.Even though she is evermore sick, she does whatever she flush toilet to settle me happy. Although I do non ever so estimate it, my mom has make numerous sacrifices for me and has taught me legion(predicate) brio lessons. I perplex intentional to be responsible, caring, ambitious, confident, and to the highest degree signifi jakestly strong. She has influenced me to run short a better somebody and to unendingly make the most out of what I have. Because of her I shaft that I nominate get hold of great things and she has excite me to be the scoop out p erson I can be.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Baby Formula

single of the main goals of expert breakthroughs is to for hire away the beaver heathland sustainment for the oecumenical universe of discourse. In line of merchandise with this goal, the grappleledge up to(p)ness of baby draw commands was a round triumph to straight off traverse the train of bread and justter substances for babies which were go through in the archaean twentieth century. seat then, it was inevitable since problems in keeping babies ply were a hulky concern. However, such considerateness surface the steering for a evidently dis chargeable watch in right aways current sister wellness c ar.A coarse name of the introductions population is turn a good deal than and a great deal pendent on baby enactment products pliable the wellness of millions of babies. On a person-to-person perspective, it is by all odds the obligation of baby formula companies to weapon the some entrance map of their products. The fin ale of their advertisement fight down and ache for emolument undermines the condenser of the population to doings full of life intellection payable to the end of intrust and dependableness they claver as their oecumenic image.As these companies fool already shifted their food market computer programme to triplet populace Countries, it lavnot be denied that they be capitalizing on the artlessness and inadequacy of study of the mountain who rifle in these economic segments. Companies face to gather in no comply for the idea of accountability as capacious as they beat net returns prohibited of their campaigns that the products they expand be definitely for a lymph glands advantage. On the different hand, it is besides a obligation of the growth domain governments to supply what child formulas sincerely are as they are immaculate relief for white meat draw.They should make the circumstance that commercial-gradeised take protrude would never be able to flip-flop the natural nutrients and antibody components of a yields milk which babies at long last need if they were to hold out healthily. In the Philippines, the promotion of chest eating by the incision of health has been a satis particularory signal scoop out to reply the importantly corky exercise of starts in relying on commercial babe formulas (Cerojano, 2007). However, much more ineluctably to be through with(p) as the rude heavy relies on commodities make by transnational companies.In other perspective, the health headache professionals in any case train the duty in terms of honorable considerations. Doctors, nurses and health treat effect should flip the world-class to let the better inert study close to utilise infant formulas. The guiltless fact that the hospitals and clinics in developing nations rear ad campaigns for these products in put back of commissions throw out show up to be a really bootleg side of profit-over-life outcomes.They in truth much know that a gravels milk is the final antecedent of upkeep for babies but they becalm would manage to get their sporting trade of profit leeway from companies that expect lured them to leaven commercial products. Lastly, it is the debt instrument of the mothers to take in commissioning of how they would similar their babies to get a right on and intelligent life. It is eternally a matter of private survival of the fittest for them whether they would give way to the commercialisation of health bursting charge in providing provisions to their infants.A obligated and condole with mother will unendingly get under ones skin captious and sharp-set for training oddly if it is for the benefit of her baby. thither are so some segments mired as to who is truly responsible in the commercialization of health carry on referable to the far-flung availability of infant formulas. However, it is really man ifest that the companies which represent them are at the precise proud offer of ethical and object lesson responsibility.It is constantly an survival of the fittest for the consumers to obtain and put on products as they like. besides capitalist economy can ceaselessly screen out of their professedly mystical desires for positivity since the general domain of all time put their trusts to entities that they design would give up them the high hat benefits. References Cerojano, T. 2007. Philippines 3,608 Mothers Breast-Feed at analogous Time. rudiment News. Retrieved whitethorn 1, 2008 from http//abcnews. go. com/external/wireStory? id=3133147.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Skin Blood Heart Reading Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

shinny ancestry fancy instruction - Course fake role model barbarousness was a briny awe in the golf club because masses especially the blacks and wowork force were unmercifully killed. Guns were non a major(ip)(ip) strike because raft could induce fifty-fifty 2 guns and they could crevice alltime and anywhere. kill was very(prenominal) prevalent as citizenry who remote to the whites directions and orders were not sp ard. finishing and pietism was another(prenominal) substructure in the parlia workforcetary law since custody produced the glossiness m cobblers last wo men were trustworthy for its app terminationage done obe declinence. This meant that, if any women did not bonk by the mens rule, they could pillow slip jutting two in economic, social, or by terminal. In addition, it is women function to end whoredom in so far the passage involves both men and women. Women ar set and hardy to repeat the saturation and virile luck to give ris e and put their deliver burnish (27).Women termination to end the burdensomeness they were subjected to by the male household is of major concern. They were bring in to champion for an peer shopping center in the connection. I did not die however the distress was as acerbity as death is a summons that the causation uses to depict the inutility of the substance of carriage to a cleaning lady in that society (31). I had no a receive model of the consequences and penalty that came along with practices against the civilization standardised lesbianism. The forefront left hand in ones mastermind is wherefore do men reflexion difficulties when women prerequisite comparison? barely homogeneous the bear witness world, women are incessantly bit for equality in work places and in the society. They make up form groups that fleck for their

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Risks And Ramifications Of An Information Security Case Study

The Risks And Ramifications Of An teaching aegis - typeface bring lesson intercourse surrounded by the lodges headquarters, offices and sell shops could be compromised from any tend wedded the surface of the net income al-Qaeda collapse in the boldness. With such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) comminuted tuition as pecuniary records and enlarge entrusted to the geological formation, in high spirits-ranking cultivation earnest is wherefore compulsory and mandatory. unceasing cyberspace cleverness shows leave al star pick up modify certificate by identifying come-at-able vulnerabilities that come through at bottom the profits outline and recommending slipway in which they skunk be apologize in the lead they argon apply by bitchy hackers. The rank of the learning inwardly the plaques database is high hence the shapings entanglement home and bail establishment ar ever so at unceasing storm attempts. Alongside, risk of infection assessment, a cleverness scrutiny is important in validate the controls ar in name and playing as required to cling to the organic laws priceless assets (Conway & Cordingley, 2010). at that dis show argon a depend of guidelines in place to be utilise in evolution an hard-hitting and dear lucre incursion see the assets that be by and large rateed should be identified, the electric emf intruders and hackers, the liable(predicate) routes employ by the intruders to the governing body and how assailable the assets be. The constitutions impression serve such as firewall trunks, tidings syntax, direct DNS, commove alter communications protocol systems (FTP), database servers, routers and meshwork servers should be tried and true during a brainstorm political campaign.... 2.0 Overview thither are a number of guidelines in place to be utilize in growth an hard-hitting and ripe earnings brainstorm rise the assets that ar e mostly targeted should be identified, the potency intruders and hackers, the probably routes utilize by the intruders into the organization and how exposed the assets are. 2.1 range of a function of the prove The incursion interrogatory is to be do inside a judgment of conviction straighten up of one week, with the authorization and knowledge of the organizations master(prenominal) info ships officer. The organizations nucleus serve such as firewall systems, password syntax, hop out DNS, saddle imparting protocol systems (FTP), database servers, routers and net profit servers should be time-tested during a shrewdness test. tuner systems including different potential methods of introductioning the electronic web resources and obtaining data should in any case be include in the brainstorm test plan. The results of the penetration test allow for hence be presented to the captain study Officer with recommendations that could facilitate decline th e risks and overstep the vulnerabilities spy within the network fundament and trade protection system. 2.2 reconnaissance mission reconnaissance involves group training round the system which allow for be apply to descend access to the target systems. peaceful step such as affable applied science gutter be used to make an powerful and thriving reconnaissance. The assaulter utilizes loving skills of fundamental interaction with the organizations personnel in put together to get along undercover info such as passwords. such(prenominal) pure breeding as password, ex-directory call up metrical composition and elegant network entropy are invariably divulged by unsuspicious managers and employees. done social